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2025 Memberships

Emerald Greens stands out from many courses in this area with a well-groomed 36 hole facility. And, for your season long enjoyment, we have a variety of membership options to meet all of your and your family’s needs.

Of course, all memberships include special member only discounts.

Scroll down to see our offerings for the upcoming year. You can also purchase the membership(s) of your choosing online.

If you have questions, please fill out the form on this page and a member of our team will contact you promptly.

Membership Classifications

Unlimited Single Membership

Price: $1900 + tax

This membership allows you to play as much golf as you can on two-18- hole courses with seven days advanced tee times plus 20% off of regular priced pro shop items.

This membership can be used for any league play but not valid for tournaments or special events.

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Family Add-On Membership

Price: $1200 + tax

The first family member pays the single membership fee of $1,900.00 plus tax and each additional family member pays $1,200.00 plus tax. With this membership, you, your spouse and your children up to the age of 17 will enjoy all the golf you can play along with seven days advanced tee times plus 20% off of regular priced pro shop items.

This membership can be used for league play but not valid for any tournaments or special events.

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Mid-Week Membership

Price: $1200 + tax

This membership is perfect for golfers that want to play a lot of golf during the week to avoid the busy weekend play. You are able to play Monday thru Friday with tee times up to 1pm. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays after 3 p.m. You also receive 20% off of regular priced pro shop items.

This membership can be used for the weekday a.m. league play. Not valid for tournaments or special events.

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Junior Golf Membership up to age 17

Price: $550 + tax

This membership was designed for the young golfer up to age 17 where no family member has an Emerald Greens membership. Juniors can play Monday through Friday up to 1pm and weekends and holidays after 3 p.m. You also receive 20% off regular priced pro shop items.

Junior membership is not valid for tournaments, special events, or kid’s programs. Not to be combined with any other membership program. This program is designed for straight tee time play only.

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Unlimited Half Cart Pass

Price: $750 + tax

This is now available for members only. This purchase must be made at the time of your membership purchase. Each single membership must purchase their own half cart pass.

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Golf More. Worry Less.

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Special Events

Special Events

The Wexford Opened Sept 2023!

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36 Holes of Outing Bliss.

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Emerald Greens Golf Course

14425 Goodwin Ave
Hastings, MN 55033